The name of the Company has been changed from “Punjab Alkalies & Chemicals Limited” to “Primo Chemicals Limited” w.e.f. 19/12/2022
CIN NO: L24119CH1975PLC003607
Chandigarh GST: 04AAACP9915E1ZL
Nangal GST: 03AAACP9915E1ZN
Chandigarh ISD GST: 04AAACP9915E2ZK

Welcome to the Primo Chemicals ESG Profile

Last Updated: 26 Dec 2022

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Awards and Recognitions Awards and Recognitions
Awards and Recognitions Awards link pdf "National Award for Excellence" in Energy Conservation; In December, 2009, the Company has been awarded a Trophy, a Certificate of Merit and an Award of Rs.1.00 lac by the Punjab Energy Development Agency for securing the First Position in the category of Energy Intensive Industries in the State Level Energy Conservation Award Competition, for the Companys efforts in the field of Energy Conservation during the year 2008
Awards and Recognitions Awards pdf "Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Award" for excellence in Industry
Awards and Recognitions Awards link pdf "Punjab State Safety Award" for Largest Reduction in Frequency Rate of Accidents in Chemical Industry; Our employees have got Vishwakarma Rashtriya Puruskar from Government of India Kirt Shromani & Kirt Veer Awards in the field of Safety & Productivity from Government of Punjab
Board of Directors Board of Directors
Board of Directors link pdf Shri. Sukhbir Singh Dahiya is the Chairman of the Company; He is Non-Executive Non-Independent Director; He is part of Nomination and Remuneration Committee; He holds a Diploma in Civil Engineering from Haryana State Board of Technical Education. He has an experience of over 32 years including 17 years in chemical industry
Board of Directors link pdf Shri Naveen Chopra is Managing Director of the company; He is a part of Audit Committee, Risk Management Committee and Stakeholders Relationship cum Share Transfer Committee; He holds a Degree in Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical) and has done MBA from Panjab University, Chandigarh. He has an experience of over 31 years
Board of Directors pdf Jagbir Singh Ahlawat is a Non-Executive Non-Independent Director; He holds a Diploma in Civil Engineering from Haryana State Board of Technical Education and AMIE (civil) from the Institution of Engineers (India). He has an experience of over 30 years including 17 years in the Chemical Industry; He is part of Corporate Social Responsibility Committee
Board of Directors pdf Jatin Dahiya is an Executive Director; He holds a Degree in Bachelor of Engineering from Delhi University and Masters in Management from Duke University (United States). He has an experience of 6 years in the Chemical Industry; He is part of the Risk Management Committee
Board of Directors link pdf Ashok Goyal is a Non-Executive independent director; He has done Post-Graduation in Economics from Panjab University and has been serving as member of Senate of University and Syndicate and has an experience of about 28 years in the field of Academic Administration; He is part of Corporate Social Responsibility Committee, Audit Committee, Nomination and Remuneration Committee, Stakeholders Relationship cum Share Transfer Committee
Board of Directors link pdf Kuldip Singh Suhag is a Non-Executive Independent director; He has done Bachelor of Engineering (Civil Engineering) and has an experience of about 43 years in Civil Engineering; He is part of the Corporate Social Responsibility Committee, Audit Committee, Nomination and Remuneration Committee
Board of Directors link pdf Tilak Raj Bajalia is a Non-Executive Independent Director; Retired Bank Officer. He is an Economics Graduate with Professional Degree of ICWAI and CAIIB. He has 40 years of Banking experience, which spans various business segments such as SME Banking, Corporate Banking, Restructuring of Stressed Assets, Human Resources, Legal and Administration; He is part of the Corporate Social Responsibility Committee, Audit Committee, Nomination, and Remuneration Committee
Board of Directors link pdf Teesta Sandhu is an Independent Female Board of Director; She has done MBA with specialization in HR and Marketing. She has about 18 years of experience which includes working with the Oberoi Group of Hotels, Hilton, Marriott Hotels, Cinepolis India Ltd, Kingfisher Airlines, Forest Essentials and Ethos Pvt. Ltd.; She is part of the Risk Management Committee
Company Overview Company Overview
Company Overview Strategy FTSE Russell E: Climate Change
GRI 102: GD Strategy
IFC PS 1: Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts
SASB: Leadership and Governance
SDG 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal
WEF Governance: Risk and Opportunity Oversight
link pdf pdf The Company is committed to run its operations in an environment-friendly manner. The Company’s endeavor is to take all possible measures towards ensuring safety, pollution control and good housekeeping across all its Plants. Online Monitoring System has been installed at Works as per requirement of Central Pollution Control Board. A Safety Audit of the Plant was conducted during the financial year 2021-22 from the National Safety Council and its recommendations are being implemented; In alignment with vision of the Company, PCL, through its CSR initiatives, shall continue to enhance value creation in the society and in the community in which it operates, through its services, conduct & initiatives, so as to promote sustained growth for the society and community, in fulfillment of its role as a Socially Responsible Corporate Citizen with environmental concern; The Company’s core philosophy on the code of Corporate Governance is to ensure fair and transparent business practices with accountability for performance. The compliance of applicable statute is of utmost importance to the Company. The transparent and timely disclosure of financial and management information always remains priority for the Company
Company Overview Affiliations CSA E: Environmental Reporting
FTSE Russell E: Climate Change
GRI 102: GD Reporting Practice
SASB: Leadership and Governance
SDG 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal
WEF Governance: Risk and Opportunity Oversight
pdf A : 8 Data on ESG is available since 2015
Company Overview Board of Directors, Board Skills, Strategy CDP: Climate
FTSE Russell E: Climate Change
GRI 102: GD Strategy
IFC PS 1: Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts
SASB: Leadership and Governance
SDG 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal
STALYTCS: Corporate Governance
TCFD: Governance
UNGC Principle 07 Environment
WEF Governance: Governing Purpose
link pdf pdf A : 4 CSR Committee: Chairman: Shri Kuldip Singh Suhag; Members: Shri Ashok Goyal, Shri Tilak Raj Bajalia, Shri Jagbir Singh Ahlawat; The Company has constituted Corporate Social Responsibility Committee in line with the provisions of Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013 to (a) Formulate and recommend to the Board, a CSR Policy indicating the activities to be undertaken by the Company as specified in Schedule VII of the Act, (b) Recommend the amount of expenditure to be incurred in the activities mentioned in the CSR policy and (c) Monitor the CSR Policy
Company Overview Board of Directors, Board Skills CSA Econ: Corporate Governance
FTSE Russell G: Corporate Governance
GRI 102: GD Strategy
MSCI G: Corporate Governance
SASB: Leadership and Governance
SDG 16: Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
STALYTCS: Corporate Governance
UNGC Principle 07 Environment
WEF Governance: Quality of Governing Body
pdf The details of Core Skills/ Expertise/ Competencies of Board of Directors are disclosed in Annual Report 2022
Company Overview Supply Chain BRSR Principle 1: Ethical Transparent and Accountable
BRSR Principle 3: Promote Well-being
CDP: Climate
CSA Econ: Supply Chain Management
FTSE Russell E: Climate Change
GRI 102: GD Organizational Profile
SASB: Business Model and Innovation
SDG 08: Decent Work and Economic Growth
WEF Governance: Stakeholder Engagement
pdf PCL is committed to sustainable development and to achieve that we shall Influence our contractors and suppliers to adopt the PCL's environmental policy and practices and encourage appropriate environmental management across the supply and value chain
Company Overview Approach FTSE Russell E: Climate Change
GRI 102: GD Organizational Profile
SASB: Leadership and Governance
SDG 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal
STALYTCS: Corporate Governance
WEF Governance: Risk and Opportunity Oversight
link link In alignment with vision of the Company, PCL, through its CSR initiatives, shall continue to enhance value creation in the society and in the community in which it operates, through its services, conduct & initiatives, so as to promote sustained growth for the society and community, in fulfillment of its role as a Socially Responsible Corporate Citizen with environmental concern; Safety and Environment: Our Company has achieved and maintained ZERO LIQUID DISCHARGE (ZLD) as per requirement of Punjab Pollution Control Board. An online Monitoring System has been installed in line with directions of CPCB to ensure the emissions within permissible limits
Company Overview Approach CSA Econ: Corporate Governance
FTSE Russell G: Corporate Governance
GRI 102: GD Organizational Profile
SASB: Leadership and Governance
SDG 16: Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
STALYTCS: Corporate Governance
WEF Governance: Risk and Opportunity Oversight
link Investor Relation section is part of company website
Corporate Information Corporate Information
Corporate Information Environment STALYTCS: Corporate Governance
Corporate Information STALYTCS: Corporate Governance 1975
Corporate Information PE: Operating Performance 1st April 2022 - 31st March 2023
Corporate Information STALYTCS: Corporate Governance Head Office: S.C.O. 125-127, Sector 17-B, CHANDIGARH - 160 017. (INDIA) Works: Nangal-Una Road, Naya Nangal - 140 126 PUNJAB (INDIA)
Corporate Information Indian Rupees (INR)
Corporate Information STALYTCS: Corporate Governance Email Id :
Corporate Information STALYTCS: Corporate Governance Phones : 0091-172-4072543/4072546; Phones : 0091-1887-220750 to 220754, 220552, 220891
Corporate Information STALYTCS: Corporate Governance
Corporate Information STALYTCS: Corporate Governance 1st April to 31st March
Corporate Information STALYTCS: Corporate Governance BSE Limited (Ticker: PCL)
Corporate Information STALYTCS: Corporate Governance
STALYTCS: Health and Safety
Consequent to the above allotments and Sub-Division, paid-up share capital of the Company as on 31st March, 2022 and now stood at Rs.48,46,86,440/- (Rupees Forty eight crores forty six lacs eighty six thousand four hundred and forty only) divided into 24,23,43,220 (Twenty four crores twenty three lacs forty three thousand two hundred and twenty) equity shares Rs.2/- (Rs. Two only) each
Corporate Information PE: Operating Performance MSCI S: Human Capital
STALYTCS: Human Capital Development
As on 31st March, 2022, Total number of employees are 357 and 26 number of employees are on temporary/ contractual basis and 215 number of employees on casual basis
Environment Environment
Environment Strategy CSA E: Operational Eco-Efficiency
EU Tax 1: Climate Change Mitigation
FTSE Russell E: Climate Change
GRI 307: Environmental Compliance
IFC PS 1: Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts
IIRF: Intellectual Capital
MSCI E: Climate Change
SASB: Environment
SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
SDG 13: Climate Action
TCFD: Strategy
UNGC Principle 07 Environment
WEF Planet: Climate Change
link pdf pdf The Company is committed to run its operations in an environment-friendly manner. The Company’s endeavor is to take all possible measures towards ensuring safety, pollution control and good housekeeping across all its Plants. Online Monitoring System has been installed at Works as per requirement of Central Pollution Control Board. A Safety Audit of the Plant was conducted during the financial year 2021-22 from the National Safety Council and its recommendations are being implemented. The Company strives to make enhance energy efficiency of all its manufacturing facilities. The Energy Audit is conducted on a regular basis; Our Company has achieved and maintained ZERO LIQUID DISCHARGE (ZLD) as per requirement of Punjab Pollution Control Board. An online Monitoring System has been installed in line with directions of CPCB to ensure the emissions within permissible limits; The management of industry is quite conscious of the issues of environmental protection: Company is certified under ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001, 2004
Environment Climate, Risk Control CDP: Climate
CDP: Water
CSA E: Climate Strategy
CSA Econ: Risk and Crisis Management
EU Tax 1: Climate Change Mitigation
FTSE Russell G: Risk Management
GRI 305: Emissions
IFC PS 1: Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts
IIRF: Natural Capital
MSCI E: Climate Change
SASB: Business Model and Innovation
SDG 13: Climate Action
STALYTCS: Carbon Emissions
TCFD: Risk Management
UNGC Principle 08 Environment
WEF Planet: Climate Change
pdf Hazard ldentification and Risk Assessment (HIRA) and Disaster Management Plan are already in place. We have already submitted copies of the on-site emergency plan, off-site emergency plan and Disaster Management Plan to the Regional Office of MoEF&CC at Chandigarh
Environment Investing, Metrics BRSR Principle 2: Sustainable and Safe
FTSE Russell E: Climate Change
GRI 102: GD Strategy
IIRF: Financial Capital
SASB: Business Model and Innovation
SDG 08: Decent Work and Economic Growth
TCFD: Strategy
WEF Governance: Risk and Opportunity Oversight
pdf A : 1640000 B : 3255000 C : -49.6 Plantation near local area for Environmental Sustainability: Rs. 12.40 Lacs; Animal Welfare: Rs. 4 Lacs
Environment Initiatives, Product Development, Strategy BRSR Principle 2: Sustainable and Safe
CSA E: Operational Eco-Efficiency
EU Tax 2: Climate Change Adaptation
FTSE Russell S: Customer Responsibility
GRI 301: Materials
IIRF: Manufactured Capital
SASB: Business Model and Innovation
SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
UNGC Principle 07 Environment
WEF Prosperity: Innovation of Products and Services
For the production of Caustic Soda in electrolysis process, the Company uses electrolyzer elements (anodes and cathodes) made by ThyssenKrupp, Germany. In an effort to modernize the electrolysis operation, the Company has already replaced old Generation-3 electrolyser elements with latest new generation (Generation-6) elements, thereby decreasing the power consumption and increase in production. In Unit 1of the plant the company is operating 200 elements 100 each of old Generation-2 & Generation-3 and is in the process of conversion of these old Generation elements into latest technology Generation 6 elements; The Research & Development effort of the Company continued to be directed towards energy conservation and pollution control
Environment Climate, Committees, GHG Emissions, Targets BRSR Principle 6: Protect and Restore Environment
CDP: Climate
CSA E: Operational Eco-Efficiency
EU Tax 2: Climate Change Adaptation
FTSE Russell E: Climate Change
GRI 305: Emissions
IFC PS 3: Resource Efficiency and Pollution Prevention
MSCI E: Climate Change
SASB: Environment
SDG 13: Climate Action
STALYTCS: Carbon Emissions
WEF Planet: Climate Change
link The Company has achieved and maintained Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) as per requirement of Punjab Pollution Control Board
Environment Climate, GHG Emissions, Initiatives BRSR Principle 6: Protect and Restore Environment
CDP: Climate
CSA E: Operational Eco-Efficiency
EU Tax 2: Climate Change Adaptation
FTSE Russell E: Pollution and Resources
GRI 305: Emissions
IFC PS 1: Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts
IIRF: Natural Capital
MSCI E: Climate Change
MSCI E: Pollution and Waste
SASB: Business Model and Innovation
SDG 13: Climate Action
STALYTCS: Carbon Emissions
TCFD: Metrics and Targets
UNGC Principle 08 Environment
WEF Planet: Climate Change
pdf The Company constantly endeavors to improve its environmental performance and reduction of emission from its existing facilities. For the new products under development the Company ensures minimal impact by optimizing the process parameters & controlling emissions. The Company does not have registered any projects under the Clean Development Mechanism. Our Company has achieved and maintained Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) as per requirement of Punjab Pollution Control Board. An online Monitoring System has been installed in line with directions of CPCB to ensure the emissions within permissible limits
Environment Biodiversity, Initiatives, Resource Efficiency BRSR Principle 6: Protect and Restore Environment
CDP: Forests
CSA E: Environmental Policy and Management System
EU Tax 6: Protection and Restoration of Biodiversity and Ecosystems
FTSE Russell E: Biodiversity
GRI 413: Local Communities
IFC PS 6: Biodiversity and Living Natural Resources
IIRF: Natural Capital
MSCI E: Natural Capital
SASB: Environment
SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
UNGC Principle 08 Environment
WEF Planet: Resource Availability
pdf pdf The Company tries to adopt renewable energy and energy efficiency measures in its operations wherever possible, plant trees and take other initiatives to protect and save the environment. PCL is committed to sustainable development and to achieve that we shall: Take initiatives towards efficient use of natural resources and energy, protecting biodiversity in our area of influence, reduction and prevention of pollution, promoting waste avoidance and recycling measures in line with internationally disseminated technologies and practices
Environment Energy, Initiatives BRSR Principle 6: Protect and Restore Environment
CDP: Climate
CSA E: Operational Eco-Efficiency
EU Tax 2: Climate Change Adaptation
FTSE Russell E: Climate Change
FTSE Russell E: Pollution and Resources
GRI 302: Energy
IFC PS 3: Resource Efficiency and Pollution Prevention
IIRF: Manufactured Capital
MSCI E: Environmental Opportunities
SASB: Business Model and Innovation
SDG 07: Affordable and Clean Energy
TCFD: Metrics and Targets
UNGC Principle 08 Environment
WEF Planet: Climate Change
pdf pdf pdf The Company tries to adopt renewable energy and energy efficiency measures in its operations wherever possible, plant trees and take other initiatives to protect and save the environment; The Company tries to adopt renewable energy and energy efficiency measures in its operations wherever possible, plant trees and take other initiatives to protect and save the environment; Steps taken by company towards energy conservation: Replacement of Cooling tower pumps + motors with energy efficient pump + motors; Installation of VFD at FD fan of Rice husk fired boiler; Installation of Energy meters in Plant; Replacement of existing reciprocating chilled water compressor by energy efficient screw compressor; Replacement of reciprocating Instrument Air Compressor with new energy efficient screw compressors; Replacement of existing lighting fixtures with low wattage LED lighting fixtures; New harmonic filters 5th & 11th added after enhancement of contract demand to maintain power factor 0.99; New motors that are being added are energy efficient i.e.IE3 class instead of standard motors
Environment Energy, Metrics BRSR Principle 6: Protect and Restore Environment
CDP: Climate
CSA E: Operational Eco-Efficiency
EU Tax 2: Climate Change Adaptation
FTSE Russell E: Climate Change
GRI 302: Energy
IFC PS 3: Resource Efficiency and Pollution Prevention
IIRF: Manufactured Capital
MSCI E: Natural Capital
SASB: Business Model and Innovation
SDG 07: Affordable and Clean Energy
TCFD: Metrics and Targets
WEF Planet: Climate Change
pdf pdf A : 280001000 Electricity or Energy Consumption is 280001000 kWh for the reporting year
Environment Energy, Metrics BRSR Principle 6: Protect and Restore Environment
CSA E: Operational Eco-Efficiency
EU Tax 2: Climate Change Adaptation
FTSE Russell E: Pollution and Resources
GRI 302: Energy
IFC PS 3: Resource Efficiency and Pollution Prevention
IIRF: Manufactured Capital
MSCI E: Natural Capital
SASB: Environment
SDG 07: Affordable and Clean Energy
TCFD: Metrics and Targets
WEF Planet: Climate Change
pdf A : 9 Data on Energy Conservation and Generation is available since 2014
Environment Energy, Initiatives BRSR Principle 6: Protect and Restore Environment
CSA E: Operational Eco-Efficiency
EU Tax 2: Climate Change Adaptation
FTSE Russell E: Climate Change
GRI 302: Energy
IFC PS 3: Resource Efficiency and Pollution Prevention
IIRF: Natural Capital
MSCI E: Environmental Opportunities
MSCI E: Natural Capital
SASB: Business Model and Innovation
SDG 07: Affordable and Clean Energy
STALYTCS: Opportunities in Renewable Energy
UNGC Principle 09 Environment
WEF Planet: Climate Change
pdf The Company tries to adopt renewable energy and energy efficiency measures in its operations wherever possible, plant trees and take other initiatives to protect and save the environment
Environment Climate, Initiatives BRSR Principle 6: Protect and Restore Environment
CSA E: Operational Eco-Efficiency
EU Tax 4: Transition to a Circular Economy
FTSE Russell E: Climate Change
GRI 302: Energy
IFC PS 1: Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts
IIRF: Natural Capital
MSCI E: Environmental Opportunities
SASB: Business Model and Innovation
SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
UNGC Principle 09 Environment
WEF Prosperity: Innovation of Products and Services
pdf Major efforts made towards Technology adoption & Benefits: For the production of Caustic Soda in electrolysis process, the Company uses electrolyzer elements (anodes and cathodes) made by ThyssenKrupp, Germany. In an effort to modernize the electrolysis operation, the Company has already replaced old Generation-3 electrolyser elements with latest new generation (Generation-6) elements, thereby decreasing the power consumption and increase in production, In Unit 1of the plant the company is operating 200 elements 100 each of old Generation-2 & Generation-3 and is in the process of conversion of these old Generation elements into latest technology Generation 6 elements
Environment Air Pollution, Initiatives CSA E: Environmental Policy and Management System
EU Tax 5: Pollution Prevention and Control
FTSE Russell E: Pollution and Resources
GRI 305: Emissions
IFC PS 1: Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts
IIRF: Natural Capital
MSCI E: Climate Change
MSCI E: Pollution and Waste
SASB: Business Model and Innovation
SDG 13: Climate Action
STALYTCS: Toxic Emissions and Waste
UNGC Principle 08 Environment
WEF Planet: Air Pollution
pdf Chlorine gas and HCl fumes are the main sources of air pollution generated in the plant from various process streams, tanks, vessels, process equipments, pipe lines during manufacturing, storing or handling of chlorine etc. All the fugitive emissions of chlorine gas are sucked through a blower and are passed through waste air dechlorination unit where waste chlorine gas is neutralized with caustic soda solution. Similarly HCl fumes generated from the storage tank and during HCI preparation are taken to the above unit where it is neutralized with the alkali. Chlorine gas produced in the electrolyzer is taken for cooling, drying, compression and liquefaction for making liquid chlorine. The unliquidified chlorine gas is known as sniff gas which is taken to HCl plant for burning with hydrogen to make HCl and the sniff gas which can not be burned in HCl plant is taken to waste air dechlorination units. If the hydrogen content in the chlorine is higher then the sniff gas will have higher percentage of hydrogen gas
Environment Metrics, Water BRSR Principle 6: Protect and Restore Environment
CDP: Water
CSA E: Operational Eco-Efficiency
EU Tax 3: Sustainable Use and Protection of Water and Marine Resources
FTSE Russell E: Pollution and Resources
FTSE Russell E: Water Security
GRI 303: Water and Effluence
IIRF: Natural Capital
MSCI E: Natural Capital
MSCI E: Pollution and Waste
SASB: Environment
SDG 06: Clean Water and Sanitation
STALYTCS: Water Stress
TCFD: Metrics and Targets
WEF Planet: Water Pollution
pdf A : 585472 Water Utilization FY 2022: 585472 m3
Environment Initiatives, Waste Management, Water BRSR Principle 6: Protect and Restore Environment
CDP: Water
CSA E: Operational Eco-Efficiency
EU Tax 3: Sustainable Use and Protection of Water and Marine Resources
FTSE Russell E: Pollution and Resources
FTSE Russell E: Water Security
GRI 303: Water and Effluence
IFC PS 3: Resource Efficiency and Pollution Prevention
IIRF: Natural Capital
MSCI E: Natural Capital
MSCI E: Pollution and Waste
SASB: Environment
SDG 06: Clean Water and Sanitation
STALYTCS: Toxic Emissions and Waste
STALYTCS: Water Stress
TCFD: Metrics and Targets
WEF Planet: Freshwater Availability
WEF Planet: Water Pollution
pdf The Company has achieved and maintained Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) as per requirement of Punjab Pollution Control Board. An online Monitoring System has been installed in line with directions of CPCB to ensure the emissions within permissible limits
Environment Metrics, Waste Management BRSR Principle 6: Protect and Restore Environment
CDP: Climate
CSA E: Operational Eco-Efficiency
EU Tax 4: Transition to a Circular Economy
FTSE Russell E: Pollution and Resources
GRI 306: Effluents and Waste
IIRF: Natural Capital
MSCI E: Natural Capital
MSCI E: Pollution and Waste
SASB: Environment
SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
STALYTCS: Toxic Emissions and Waste
TCFD: Metrics and Targets
WEF Planet: Solid Waste
pdf A : 3485.405 The total non-hazardous waste generated from PCL for the assessment year 2021-2022 was 3485.405 MT (wet basis) and 2313.557 MT (dry basis). Used transformer oil and used lubricating oil are the hazardous wastes generated from the process. These wastes are disposed by sale to authorized preprocessors under intimation to PPCB
Environment Metrics, Waste Management BRSR Principle 6: Protect and Restore Environment
CSA E: Operational Eco-Efficiency
EU Tax 4: Transition to a Circular Economy
FTSE Russell E: Pollution and Resources
GRI 306: Effluents and Waste
IIRF: Manufactured Capital
MSCI E: Natural Capital
MSCI E: Pollution and Waste
SASB: Environment
SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
STALYTCS: Toxic Emissions and Waste
TCFD: Metrics and Targets
WEF Planet: Solid Waste
pdf A : 3 Information is available for 2019 and 2020, 2022
Environment Initiatives, Waste Management BRSR Principle 2: Sustainable and Safe
BRSR Principle 6: Protect and Restore Environment
CSA E: Operational Eco-Efficiency
EU Tax 4: Transition to a Circular Economy
FTSE Russell E: Pollution and Resources
GRI 306: Effluents and Waste
IFC PS 3: Resource Efficiency and Pollution Prevention
IIRF: Manufactured Capital
MSCI E: Natural Capital
MSCI E: Pollution and Waste
SASB: Business Model and Innovation
SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
STALYTCS: Toxic Emissions and Waste
WEF Planet: Solid Waste
pdf pdf The industry has installed OCEMS at the pipeline through which treated wastewater is reused back into the processes. The waste HCl generated during regenerating of ION Exchange Column going to the ETP, which is neutralized with caustic soda solution for pH adjustment. Now the above waste acid is being collected in storage tank and reused in the ETP for pH adjustment. This has been adopted in both units. The brine drained during sample collection at various points was earlier passing to the ETP increasing the chloride and TDS content. The same has now been recirculated and reused in the system
Environment Initiatives, Waste Management BRSR Principle 2: Sustainable and Safe
BRSR Principle 6: Protect and Restore Environment
CSA E: Operational Eco-Efficiency
EU Tax 4: Transition to a Circular Economy
FTSE Russell E: Pollution and Resources
GRI 306: Effluents and Waste
IIRF: Manufactured Capital
MSCI E: Natural Capital
MSCI E: Pollution and Waste
SASB: Business Model and Innovation
SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
STALYTCS: Toxic Emissions and Waste
WEF Planet: Solid Waste
pdf The Company recycles 100% effluent water by treatment through RO & MEE system & further takes it into cooling tower & maintains the Zero Liquid discharge philosophy; Used transformer oil is 100% recycled back through sale to the authorised recycler; 78% Suplhuric acid generated from raw material 98% Sulphuric acid and entire such quantity is sold out to authorised consumer
Environment Metrics, Resource Efficiency GRI 102: GD Reporting Practice
IFC PS 3: Resource Efficiency and Pollution Prevention
IIRF: Natural Capital
MSCI E: Climate Change
SASB: Environment
SDG 13: Climate Action
UNGC Principle 07 Environment
WEF Planet: Climate Change
pdf A : 1708134000 B : 1255548000 C : 36.04 The cost of Power, Fuel & Utilities is Rs. 17081.34 Lacs in the year 2022; The cost of Power, Fuel & Utilities is Rs. 12555.48 Lacs in the year 2021
ESG Videos and News ESG Videos and News
ESG Videos and News link link link Punjab Alkalies & Chemicals rose 3.91% to Rs 227.50 after the company said its board approved 5-for-1 stock split. The company's board approved sub-division of each equity share of face value of Rs 10 each into five equity shares of face value of Rs 2 each, subject to the approval of shareholders. Punjab Alkalies & Chemicals makes caustic soda lye and by products are hydrochloric acid, liquid chlorine, sodium hypochlorite and hydrogen gas; Punjab Alkalies & Chemicals was locked in an upper circuit of 10% at Rs 124.55 after Plutus Wealth Management acquired 2.5 lakh equity shares of the company via bulk deal on Tuesday, 27 July 2021; Meanwhile, shares of Punjab Alkalies extended their winning run to fourth consecutive trading session. The counter gained 36.2% in four days from its previous closing low of Rs 91.5 hit on 22 July 2021. The stock hit a 52-week high of Rs 124.55 in intraday today. Shares of the chemical maker are up 296% from their 52-week low; At meeting held on 16 March 2021: The Board of Punjab Alkalies & Chemicals at its meeting held on 16 March 2021 has approved to purchase /set up a captive power plant of 35MW capacity by using second hand plant and machinery on EPC basis and appoint Durva Infratech LLP for- supply of 35 MW used Power Plant and Detailed Engineering, entire Civil work
Governance Governance
Governance Policies, Stakeholders CSA Econ: Corporate Governance
FTSE Russell G: Corporate Governance
GRI 102: GD Governance
IIRF: Human Capital
MSCI G: Corporate Governance
SASB: Leadership and Governance
SDG 16: Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
STALYTCS: Corporate Behavior
STALYTCS: Corporate Governance
WEF Governance: Governing Purpose
link pdf A : 5 The Company’s core philosophy on the code of Corporate Governance is to ensure fair and transparent business practices with accountability for performance. The compliance of applicable statute is of utmost importance to the Company. The transparent and timely disclosure of financial and management information always remains priority for the Company
Governance Board of Directors CDP: Climate
CSA Econ: Codes of Business Conduct
FTSE Russell G: Corporate Governance
GRI 102: GD Governance
IIRF: Human Capital
MSCI G: Corporate Governance
SASB: Leadership and Governance
SDG 16: Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
STALYTCS: Corporate Behavior
STALYTCS: Corporate Governance
TCFD: Governance
WEF Governance: Governing Purpose
pdf The Company is in compliance with the provisions of Corporate Governance specified in Regulation 34 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, as amended from time to time
Governance Board of Directors CSA Econ: Corporate Governance
FTSE Russell G: Corporate Governance
GRI 102: GD Governance
IFC PS 2: Labour and Working Conditions
IIRF: Human Capital
MSCI G: Corporate Governance
SASB: Leadership and Governance
SDG 16: Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
STALYTCS: Corporate Behavior
STALYTCS: Corporate Governance
TCFD: Governance
WEF Governance: Governing Purpose
pdf The Role and primary functions of the Audit Committee, Stakeholders Relationship Committee, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Committee, and Nomination & Remuneration Committee are disclosed in Annual Report 2022
Governance Employees CSA Econ: Corporate Governance
FTSE Russell G: Corporate Governance
GRI 405: Diversity and Equal Opportunity
IIRF: Human Capital
MSCI G: Corporate Behavior
SASB: Leadership and Governance
SDG 16: Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
STALYTCS: Corporate Behavior
WEF Governance: Governing Purpose
pdf The Company’s core philosophy on the code of Corporate Governance is to ensure fair and transparent business practices with accountability for performance. The compliance of applicable statute is of utmost importance to the Company. The transparent and timely disclosure of financial and management information always remains priority for the Company
Governance Employees CSA Econ: Codes of Business Conduct
FTSE Russell G: Corporate Governance
GRI 102: GD Ethics and Integrity
IIRF: Human Capital
MSCI G: Corporate Governance
SASB: Leadership and Governance
SDG 16: Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
STALYTCS: Corporate Behavior
STALYTCS: Corporate Governance
WEF Governance: Ethical Behaviour
pdf We are independent of the Company in accordance with the Code of Ethics issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) together with the independence requirements that are relevant to our audit of the Consolidated Ind AS financial statements under the provisions of the Act and the Rules made thereunder, and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with these requirements and the ICAI’s Code of Ethics. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion on the Consolidated Ind AS financial statement
Governance Framework CSA Econ: Codes of Business Conduct
FTSE Russell G: Corporate Governance
MSCI G: Corporate Governance
STALYTCS: Corporate Governance
pdf During the period under review the Company has complied with the provisions of the act, rules, regulations, guidelines, standards, etc. mentioned: Secretarial Standards issued by The Institute of Company Secretaries of India as notified by the Government of India; The SEBI (Listing Obligations & Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015(‘LODR Regulations’) being listed on the BSE Limited
Governance Reporting CSA Econ: Codes of Business Conduct
FTSE Russell G: Corporate Governance
MSCI G: Corporate Governance
STALYTCS: Corporate Governance
pdf The Equity Shares of the Company are listed on the BSE Limited. The Annual listing fee for the year 2022-23 has been paid to the BSE Limited
Governance Policies CSA Econ: Codes of Business Conduct
FTSE Russell G: Corporate Governance
GRI 102: GD Governance
IIRF: Human Capital
MSCI G: Corporate Governance
SASB: Leadership and Governance
SDG 16: Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
STALYTCS: Corporate Behavior
WEF Governance: Ethical Behaviour
pdf The Managing Director oversees the implementation of Business Responsibility Policy. The Board of Directors of the Company in its meeting held on 13th February, 2018 had approved a Code of Conduct for Directors and Senior Management Personnel of the Company with effect from 13th February, 2018. All the Directors and Senior Management Personnel have affirmed compliance with the Code of Conduct of Directors and Senior Management Personnel during the financial year 2021-22 and the Chief Executive Officer’s Declaration to this effect is disclosed in Annual Report 2022
Governance Policies CSA Econ: Codes of Business Conduct
FTSE Russell G: Corporate Governance
GRI 102: GD Governance
IIRF: Human Capital
MSCI G: Corporate Governance
SASB: Leadership and Governance
SDG 16: Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
STALYTCS: Corporate Behavior
WEF Governance: Governing Purpose
link Information on the scope of each policy is available in the documents provided for policies on the website
Governance Board of Directors, Risk Control CSA Econ: Risk and Crisis Management
FTSE Russell G: Risk Management
GRI 102: GD Governance
IIRF: Human Capital
MSCI G: Corporate Governance
SASB: Leadership and Governance
SDG 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal
STALYTCS: Corporate Behavior
WEF Governance: Governing Purpose
link Risk Management Committee: Chairperson: Naveen Chopra, Jatin Dahiya, Teesta Sandhu
Governance Policies, Risk Control CSA Econ: Risk and Crisis Management
FTSE Russell G: Risk Management
GRI 102: GD Governance
IIRF: Human Capital
MSCI G: Corporate Governance
SASB: Leadership and Governance
SDG 16: Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
STALYTCS: Corporate Behavior
UNGC Principle 10 Anti Corruption
WEF Governance: Risk and Opportunity Oversight
pdf The Company has in place Risk Assessment and Minimisation Procedures to identify, assess and mitigate business risks. Risk Assessment and Minimisation Procedures of the Company are reviewed periodically to ensure that these reflect the current potential risks to its business. The Company has identified (1) Cost of Power – Being Power Intensive Industry and increase in wheeling charges for purchasing power under Open-access (2) Production of Hazardous Chemicals – Caustic Soda and Chlorine, and (3) Locational Disadvantage – Plant at Naya Nangal being quite far off from source of major Raw Material i.e. Industrial Salt, as Major Internal Risks besides (1) Ongoing Expansion in Caustic Soda Capacity - resulting in imbalance in Demand and Supply and (2) import of Caustic at cheaper rates
Governance Metrics, Reporting BRSR Principle 1: Ethical Transparent and Accountable
CSA Econ: Corporate Governance
FTSE Russell G: Corporate Governance
GRI 102: GD Ethics and Integrity
IIRF: Social and Relationship Capital
MSCI G: Corporate Governance
SASB: Leadership and Governance
SDG 16: Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
STALYTCS: Corporate Governance
WEF Governance: Risk and Opportunity Oversight
pdf The details of related Parties and description of relationships, having transactions during the year are disclosed in Annual Report 2022
Governance Policies, Risk Control BRSR Principle 7: Responsible and Transparent
CSA Econ: Codes of Business Conduct
FTSE Russell G: Corporate Governance
GRI 206: Anti-competitive Behaviour
IIRF: Human Capital
MSCI G: Corporate Governance
SASB: Leadership and Governance
SDG 16: Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
STALYTCS: Corporate Behavior
WEF Governance: Governing Purpose
pdf There have been no cases relating to unfair trade practices, irresponsible advertising and/or anticompetitive behavior against the Company during the last five years and as at the end of Financial Year
Governance Board of Directors, Employees, Policies, Risk Control CSA Econ: Corporate Governance
FTSE Russell G: Corporate Governance
GRI 102: GD Ethics and Integrity
IIRF: Human Capital
MSCI G: Corporate Governance
SASB: Leadership and Governance
SDG 16: Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
STALYTCS: Corporate Behavior
WEF Governance: Ethical Behaviour
pdf The Board of Directors of the Company has in place the Policy on Vigil Mechanism and Whistle Blower
Governance Metrics, Risk Control CSA Econ: Corporate Governance
FTSE Russell G: Corporate Governance
GRI 415: Public Policy
IIRF: Social and Relationship Capital
MSCI G: Corporate Governance
SASB: Social Capital
SDG 16: Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
STALYTCS: Corporate Governance
WEF Governance: Ethical Behaviour
pdf No Political contributions during FY2022
Governance Customers, Metrics FTSE Russell G: Corporate Governance
GRI 102: GD Reporting Practice
IIRF: Financial Capital
MSCI G: Corporate Governance
SASB: Leadership and Governance
SDG 16: Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
WEF Governance: Ethical Behaviour
pdf Exemption from Electricity Duty for a period of 10 years and reimbursement of net GST to the extent of 25% for a period 10 years with a cap of Rs.120 crores, by the Government of Punjab under the Industrial and Business Development Policy, would be adding to the profitability of the Company
Governance Metrics, Reporting BRSR Principle 1: Ethical Transparent and Accountable
CSA Econ: Corporate Governance
FTSE Russell G: Corporate Governance
GRI 307: Environmental Compliance
IIRF: Human Capital
MSCI G: Corporate Behavior
SASB: Leadership and Governance
SDG 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal
STALYTCS: Corporate Governance
WEF Governance: Ethical Behaviour
pdf There has been no non-compliance by the Company or penalties or strictures imposed on the Company by any of the Stock Exchanges or SEBI or any other statutory authority, on any matter related to capital markets, during the last three years
Governance Incidents, Metrics pdf No Environmental, Social or Ethical Violations against the company during the year
Governance Incidents CSA Econ: Corporate Governance
FTSE Russell G: Corporate Governance
GRI 307: Environmental Compliance
IIRF: Human Capital
MSCI G: Corporate Behavior
SASB: Leadership and Governance
SDG 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal
STALYTCS: Corporate Behavior
STALYTCS: Corporate Governance
WEF Governance: Risk and Opportunity Oversight
pdf No environmental, social or ethical litigation claims against the company
Governance Employees CSA Econ: Codes of Business Conduct
FTSE Russell G: Corporate Governance
GRI 102: GD Governance
IIRF: Human Capital
MSCI G: Corporate Governance
SASB: Leadership and Governance
SDG 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal
STALYTCS: Corporate Behavior
WEF Governance: Quality of Governing Body
pdf No complaints relating to child labour, forced labour, involuntary labour, sexual harassment in the last financial year and pending, as on the end of the financial year
Governance Employees, Incidents CSA Econ: Corporate Governance
FTSE Russell G: Corporate Governance
GRI 102: GD Reporting Practice
IIRF: Human Capital
MSCI G: Corporate Behavior
SASB: Leadership and Governance
SDG 16: Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
STALYTCS: Corporate Behavior
WEF Governance: Stakeholder Engagement
pdf No strikes and lockout held during the year
Governance Metrics, Reporting CSA Econ: Corporate Governance
FTSE Russell G: Corporate Governance
GRI 201: Economic Performance
IIRF: Financial Capital
MSCI G: Corporate Behavior
SDG 08: Decent Work and Economic Growth
STALYTCS: Corporate Governance
TCFD: Governance
pdf A : 702314000 Cash Generated From Operations for FY2022: Rs. 7023.14 Lakhs
Governance Metrics, Reporting CSA Econ: Tax Strategy
FTSE Russell G: Tax Transparency
GRI 207: Tax
IIRF: Financial Capital
MSCI G: Corporate Behavior
SASB: Leadership and Governance
SDG 16: Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
STALYTCS: Corporate Governance
WEF Prosperity: Community and Social Vitality
pdf A : 48785000 B : 85258000 C : -42.7 Total Tax expense for FY2022: Rs. 487.85 lakhs
Governance Incidents CSA Econ: Corporate Governance
FTSE Russell G: Corporate Governance
GRI 102: GD Governance
IIRF: Intellectual Capital
MSCI G: Corporate Behavior
SASB: Leadership and Governance
SDG 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal
STALYTCS: Corporate Governance
WEF Governance: Stakeholder Engagement
pdf There has been no non-compliance by the Company or penalties or strictures imposed on the Company by any of the Stock Exchanges or SEBI or any other statutory authority, on any matter related to capital markets, during the last three years
Governance Reporting, Risk Control CSA Econ: Corporate Governance
FTSE Russell G: Corporate Governance
GRI 102: GD Governance
IIRF: Human Capital
MSCI G: Corporate Behavior
SASB: Leadership and Governance
SDG 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal
STALYTCS: Corporate Governance
WEF Governance: Ethical Behaviour
pdf The Report given by the Auditors on the financial statements of the Company is part of the Annual Report. There has been no qualification, reservation, adverse remark or disclaimer given by the Auditors in their Report
Governance Metrics, Risk Control CSA Econ: Corporate Governance
FTSE Russell G: Corporate Governance
GRI 102: GD Governance
IIRF: Financial Capital
MSCI G: Corporate Behavior
SASB: Leadership and Governance
SDG 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal
STALYTCS: Corporate Governance
WEF Governance: Ethical Behaviour
pdf pdf A : 150000 B : 120000 C : -20 M/s.Hari S. & Associates, Chartered Accountants (Regn. No.007709N), Statutory Auditors of the company, have been appointed by the shareholders in the Annual General Meeting held on 27th September, 2017 for a period of five years i.e. from the conclusion of 42nd Annual General Meeting until the conclusion of the 47th Annual General Meeting to be held in the year 2022, Audit fees for FY2022: Rs. 1.50 Lakhs
Governance Board of Directors, Chairman, Chief Executive Officer CSA Econ: Corporate Governance
FTSE Russell G: Corporate Governance
GRI 102: GD Governance
IIRF: Intellectual Capital
MSCI G: Corporate Governance
SASB: Leadership and Governance
SDG 16: Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
STALYTCS: Corporate Governance
WEF Governance: Quality of Governing Body
link Chairman: Shri. Sukhbir Singh Dahiya; Managing Director: Shri. Naveen Chopra
Governance Board of Directors CSA Econ: Corporate Governance
FTSE Russell G: Corporate Governance
GRI 102: GD Governance
IIRF: Intellectual Capital
MSCI G: Corporate Governance
SASB: Leadership and Governance
SDG 16: Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
STALYTCS: Corporate Governance
WEF Governance: Quality of Governing Body
pdf The Board has carried out an Annual Performance Evaluation of its own performance, its Committees and all the Directors individually; The performance of the Independent Directors was evaluated by the entire Board except the person being evaluated, The evaluation of Non-Independent Directors, Chairman and the Board as a whole was done at a separate meeting by the Independent Directors
Governance Board of Directors, Chief Executive Officer, Compensation and Benefits BRSR Principle 5: Human Rights
CSA Econ: Corporate Governance
FTSE Russell G: Corporate Governance
GRI 102: GD Governance
IIRF: Intellectual Capital
MSCI G: Corporate Governance
SASB: Leadership and Governance
SDG 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal
STALYTCS: Corporate Governance
WEF Governance: Quality of Governing Body
WEF People: Dignity and Quality
pdf The details of Remuneration of KMP are disclosed in Annual Report 2022
Governance Board of Directors CSA Econ: Corporate Governance
FTSE Russell G: Corporate Governance
GRI 102: GD Governance
IIRF: Intellectual Capital
MSCI G: Corporate Governance
SASB: Leadership and Governance
SDG 16: Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
STALYTCS: Corporate Behavior
STALYTCS: Corporate Governance
WEF Governance: Quality of Governing Body
link pdf The Board of Directors comprises of 8 Directors, of which Chairperson is a Non-Executive Director. The Company has a Managing Director and an Executive Director and 6 Non-Executive Directors of whom four are Independent Directors
Governance Board of Directors CSA Econ: Corporate Governance
FTSE Russell G: Corporate Governance
GRI 102: GD Governance
IIRF: Human Capital
MSCI G: Corporate Governance
SDG 16: Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
STALYTCS: Corporate Governance
WEF Governance: Quality of Governing Body
link The overview of Board of Directors is available on Company's website
Governance Board of Directors CSA Econ: Corporate Governance
FTSE Russell G: Corporate Governance
GRI 102: GD Governance
IIRF: Intellectual Capital
MSCI G: Corporate Governance
SASB: Leadership and Governance
SDG 10: Reduced Inequality
STALYTCS: Corporate Governance
WEF Governance: Quality of Governing Body
The details of Date of Birth of each Board of Directors is disclosed in Corporate Governance Report
Governance Board of Directors, Board Skills CSA Econ: Corporate Governance
FTSE Russell G: Corporate Governance
GRI 102: GD Governance
IIRF: Intellectual Capital
MSCI G: Corporate Governance
SASB: Leadership and Governance
SDG 16: Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
STALYTCS: Corporate Governance
TCFD: Governance
WEF Governance: Quality of Governing Body
pdf The detail of Core Skills/ Expertise/ Competencies of Board of directors are disclosed in Annual Report 2022
Governance Board of Directors, Metrics CSA Econ: Corporate Governance
FTSE Russell G: Corporate Governance
GRI 102: GD Governance
IIRF: Intellectual Capital
MSCI G: Corporate Governance
SASB: Leadership and Governance
SDG 16: Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
STALYTCS: Corporate Governance
WEF Governance: Quality of Governing Body
link A : 6 B : 8 C : 75 6 out of 8 Board of Directors are Non Executive directors
Governance Board of Directors, Metrics CSA Econ: Corporate Governance
FTSE Russell G: Corporate Governance
GRI 102: GD Governance
IIRF: Intellectual Capital
MSCI G: Corporate Governance
SASB: Leadership and Governance
SDG 16: Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
WEF Governance: Quality of Governing Body
link A : 4 B : 8 C : 50 4 out of 8 Board of Directors are Independent Directors
Governance Board of Directors CSA Econ: Corporate Governance
FTSE Russell G: Corporate Governance
GRI 102: GD Governance
IIRF: Intellectual Capital
MSCI G: Corporate Governance
SASB: Leadership and Governance
SDG 16: Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
STALYTCS: Corporate Governance
WEF Governance: Quality of Governing Body
pdf All the Independent Directors have met requirements specified under Section149 (6)of the Companies Act, 2013 regarding holding the position of ‘Independent Director’ and necessary Declaration from each Independent Director under Section 149(7) of the Act has been received
Governance Board of Directors, Metrics CSA Econ: Corporate Governance
FTSE Russell G: Corporate Governance
GRI 102: GD Governance
IIRF: Intellectual Capital
MSCI G: Corporate Governance
SASB: Leadership and Governance
STALYTCS: Corporate Governance
WEF Governance: Quality of Governing Body
No Board member is serving for more than 10 Years
Governance Board of Directors, Metrics CSA Econ: Corporate Governance
FTSE Russell G: Corporate Governance
GRI 102: GD Governance
IIRF: Intellectual Capital
MSCI G: Corporate Governance
SASB: Leadership and Governance
SDG 16: Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
STALYTCS: Corporate Governance
WEF Governance: Quality of Governing Body
link link 1 out of 8 Board of Directors is a founder of the Company
Governance Board of Directors, Metrics CSA Econ: Corporate Governance
FTSE Russell G: Corporate Governance
GRI 102: GD Governance
IIRF: Intellectual Capital
MSCI G: Corporate Governance
SASB: Leadership and Governance
SDG 16: Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
STALYTCS: Corporate Governance
WEF Governance: Ethical Behaviour
link pdf A : 3 B : 4 C : 75 3 out of 4 members of Audit Committee are Non Executive members; The Audit Committee reviewed the quarterly, half yearly and year to date un-audited and annual audited financial of the Company before submission to the Board of Directors for its consideration and approval. The Committee also reviewed the internal audit report, The terms of reference and role of the Audit Committee as revised and stipulated by the Board of Directors from time to time are in conformity with and in line with the statutory and regulatory requirements as prescribed under Section 177 of the Companies Act, 2013 and Rules made thereunder and SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements), Regulation, 2015
Governance Board of Directors, Metrics CSA Econ: Corporate Governance
FTSE Russell G: Corporate Governance
GRI 102: GD Governance
IIRF: Intellectual Capital
MSCI G: Corporate Governance
SASB: Leadership and Governance
SDG 16: Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
STALYTCS: Corporate Governance
WEF Governance: Quality of Governing Body
link pdf A : 4 B : 4 C : 100 4 out of 4 members of Nomination and Remuneration committee are Non Executive members; The Company is having a Nomination and Remuneration Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company to approve the remuneration of the Managing Director, Whole-time Director, Key Managerial Personnel and Senior Management of the Company. The remuneration of the Managing Director(s) and Executive Director (s) is also approved by the Board of Directors subject to the requisite approvals under the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013
Governance Board of Directors, Metrics CSA Econ: Corporate Governance
FTSE Russell G: Corporate Governance
GRI 102: GD Governance
IIRF: Intellectual Capital
MSCI G: Corporate Governance
SASB: Leadership and Governance
SDG 16: Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
STALYTCS: Corporate Governance
WEF Governance: Quality of Governing Body
link pdf A : 4 B : 4 C : 100 4 out of 4 members of Nomination and Remuneration committee are Non Executive members; The Company is having a Nomination and Remuneration Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company to approve the remuneration of the Managing Director, Whole-time Director, Key Managerial Personnel and Senior Management of the Company
Governance Board of Directors, Committees, Metrics, Risk Control link A : 1 B : 3 C : 33.3 1 out of 3 members of Risk Management Committee is Non Executive members
Governance Board of Directors CSA Econ: Corporate Governance
FTSE Russell G: Corporate Governance
GRI 102: GD Governance
IIRF: Intellectual Capital
MSCI G: Corporate Governance
SASB: Leadership and Governance
SDG 16: Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
STALYTCS: Corporate Governance
WEF Governance: Quality of Governing Body
pdf The number of Directorships held by them in other Companies and memberships of the Committees of the Board of the Companies in which they are Directors are given in the Annual Report 2022
Governance Board of Directors, Committees, Metrics link pdf pdf A : 4 B : 4 C : 100 4 out of 4 members of Corporate Social Responsibility Committee are Non Executive members; The Company has constituted Corporate Social Responsibility Committee in line with the provisions of Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013 to (a) Formulate and recommend to the Board, a CSR Policy indicating the activities to be undertaken by the Company as specified in Schedule VII of the Act, (b) Recommend the amount of expenditure to be incurred in the activities mentioned in the CSR policy and (c) Monitor the CSR Policy
Governance Board of Directors CSA Econ: Corporate Governance
GRI 102: GD Governance
IIRF: Intellectual Capital
MSCI G: Corporate Governance
SASB: Leadership and Governance
SDG 16: Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
STALYTCS: Corporate Governance
WEF Governance: Quality of Governing Body
pdf Shri Tilak Raj Bajalia of the Audit Committee has 39 years of experience in Banking, also expertise in business segments such as SME Banking, Corporate Banking, Restructuring of Stressed Assets, Human Resources, Legal and Administration
Governance Shareholders FTSE Russell G: Corporate Governance
GRI 102: GD Governance
IIRF: Intellectual Capital
MSCI G: Corporate Governance
SASB: Leadership and Governance
SDG 16: Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
STALYTCS: Corporate Governance
WEF Governance: Stakeholder Engagement
pdf The Company had no Government Controlling Stake for the financial year 2022
Governance Shareholders BRSR Principle 4: Responsive to Stakeholders
CSA Econ: Corporate Governance
FTSE Russell G: Corporate Governance
GRI 102: GD Governance
IIRF: Social and Relationship Capital
MSCI G: Corporate Governance
SASB: Leadership and Governance
SDG 16: Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
STALYTCS: Corporate Governance
WEF Governance: Risk and Opportunity Oversight
pdf Promoters have held 75982830 shares that making 31.35% of Shareholding
Governance Board of Directors, Executive Management, Shareholders CSA Econ: Corporate Governance
FTSE Russell G: Corporate Governance
GRI 102: GD Governance
IIRF: Intellectual Capital
MSCI G: Corporate Governance
SASB: Leadership and Governance
SDG 16: Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
STALYTCS: Corporate Governance
WEF Governance: Ethical Behaviour
pdf The details of the number of Equity Shares held by Directors of the Company as on 31st March, 2022 disclosed in Annual Report 2022
Governance Risk Control, Shareholders CSA Econ: Corporate Governance
FTSE Russell G: Corporate Governance
GRI 102: GD Ethics and Integrity
IIRF: Intellectual Capital
MSCI G: Corporate Behavior
SASB: Leadership and Governance
SDG 16: Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
STALYTCS: Corporate Governance
WEF Governance: Ethical Behaviour
pdf This Code of Conduct was revised pursuant to the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015. SEBI vide notification dated 31st December, 2018 has again amended SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading), Regulations, 2015 effective from 01.04.2019. This Code of Conduct has been framed incorporating the amendments. This Code of Conduct may be modified by the Board of Directors of the Company from time to time
Governance Board of Directors, Compensation and Benefits, Executive Management BRSR Principle 5: Human Rights
CSA Econ: Corporate Governance
FTSE Russell G: Corporate Governance
GRI 102: GD Governance
IIRF: Intellectual Capital
MSCI G: Corporate Behavior
SASB: Leadership and Governance
SDG 16: Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
STALYTCS: Corporate Governance
WEF People: Dignity and Quality
pdf The detail of Remuneration of KMP are disclosed in Annual Report 2022
Governance Shareholders FTSE Russell G: Corporate Governance
GRI 102: GD Governance
IIRF: Intellectual Capital
MSCI G: Corporate Behavior
SASB: Leadership and Governance
SDG 16: Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
STALYTCS: Corporate Governance
WEF Governance: Stakeholder Engagement
pdf There are no government institutions found with more than 5% voting rights
Governance Shareholders CSA Econ: Corporate Governance
FTSE Russell G: Corporate Governance
GRI 102: GD Governance
IIRF: Intellectual Capital
MSCI G: Corporate Behavior
SASB: Leadership and Governance
SDG 16: Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
STALYTCS: Corporate Governance
WEF Governance: Stakeholder Engagemen
link pdf Categories of Shareholding as on 31st March, 2022 is disclosed in Annual Report 2022
Governance Shareholders CSA Econ: Corporate Governance
FTSE Russell G: Corporate Governance
GRI 102: GD Governance
IIRF: Intellectual Capital
MSCI G: Corporate Behavior
SASB: Leadership and Governance
SDG 16: Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
STALYTCS: Corporate Governance
WEF Governance: Stakeholder Engagemen
link The details of Voting rights is available in shareholding pattern
Governance Shareholders CSA Econ: Corporate Governance
FTSE Russell G: Corporate Governance
GRI 102: GD Governance
IIRF: Intellectual Capital
MSCI G: Corporate Behavior
SASB: Leadership and Governance
SDG 16: Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
STALYTCS: Corporate Governance
WEF Governance: Stakeholder Engagement
pdf Details of 47th AGM Result is available
Governance Board of Directors CSA Econ: Corporate Governance
FTSE Russell G: Corporate Governance
GRI 102: GD Governance
IIRF: Intellectual Capital
MSCI G: Corporate Governance
SASB: Leadership and Governance
SDG 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal
STALYTCS: Corporate Governance
WEF Governance: Quality of Governing Body
pdf The details of Board of Directors attendance at the Board Meetings during the financial year and at the last Annual General Meeting are disclosed in Annual Report 2022
Governance Board of Directors, Shareholders CSA Econ: Corporate Governance
FTSE Russell G: Corporate Governance
GRI 102: GD Governance
IIRF: Social and Relationship Capital
MSCI G: Corporate Behavior
SASB: Leadership and Governance
SDG 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal
STALYTCS: Corporate Governance
WEF Governance: Quality of Governing Body
pdf All the resolutions were passed with requisite majority
Governance Policies, Shareholders BRSR Principle 4: Responsive to Stakeholders
CSA Econ: Corporate Governance
FTSE Russell G: Corporate Governance
GRI 102: GD Governance
IIRF: Social and Relationship Capital
MSCI G: Corporate Governance
SASB: Leadership and Governance
SDG 16: Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
STALYTCS: Corporate Governance
WEF Governance: Quality of Governing Body
pdf Stakeholders Relationship Committee cum Share Transfer Committee: The Board of Directors through Resolution passed by Circulation on 9th November, 2020, had combined (a) Share Transfer Committee and (b) Stakeholders Relationship Committee and constituted a Stakeholders Relationship cum Share Transfer Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company with the terms of reference as provided in Section 178 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 6 of Companies (Meetings of Board and its Powers) Rules, 2014 and Regulation 20 and Part D of the Schedule II of the SEBI (Listing Obligations & Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 as (including any statutory or other modification(s) or re-enactment thereof, for the time being in force) and to approve the transfer and transmission of shares, sub-division and consolidation of Share certificates, issue of duplicate share certificates and dematerialisation and re-materialisation of shares, etc
Governance Board of Directors, Shareholders CSA Econ: Corporate Governance
FTSE Russell G: Corporate Governance
GRI 102: GD Governance
IIRF: Social and Relationship Capital
MSCI G: Corporate Behavior
SASB: Leadership and Governance
SDG 16: Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
STALYTCS: Corporate Governance
WEF Governance: Quality of Governing Body
pdf The remuneration of the Managing Director(s) and Executive Director (s) is also approved by the Board of Directors subject to the requisite approvals under the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013
Governance Risk Control FTSE Russell G: Corporate Governance
GRI 102: GD Governance
IIRF: Intellectual Capital
MSCI G: Corporate Behavior
SASB: Leadership and Governance
SDG 16: Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
STALYTCS: Corporate Behavior
WEF Governance: Risk and Opportunity Oversight
pdf The Company has used the principles of prudence in applying judgements, estimates and assumptions including sensitivity analysis and based on the current estimates, the Company has accrued its liabilities and also expects to fully recover the carrying amount of inventories, trade receivables, intangible assets and investments. The eventual outcome of impact of the global health pandemic may be different from that estimated as on the date of approval of these financial statements
ISO and Certifications ISO and Certifications
ISO and Certifications External Validation pdf The company is accredited with an ISO 9001:2008 certification
ISO and Certifications External Validation pdf The company is accredited with an ISO 14001:2004 certification
ISO and Certifications External Validation pdf The company is accredited with an ISO 22000:2018 certification
ISO and Certifications External Validation pdf The company is accredited with an ISO 50001:2018 certification
Management Approach Management Approach
Management Approach Board of Directors, Chairman STALYTCS: Corporate Governance pdf Chairman: S.S. Dahiya: The management of PCL is confident of continuing the profitable growth journey, driven by a supportive demand environment. The various strategic initiatives undertaken and planned by PCL will help us to grow in the coming years and create value for all stakeholders, Looking ahead, with the unstinted support of all our stakeholders, we are confident of building a better and sustainable future for PCL
Management Approach STALYTCS: Corporate Governance link link Overview: The Company was incorporated as a Public Limited Company on 1st December 1975 under the name Punjab Alkalies Limited; The name of the Company was subsequently changed to Punjab Alkalies & Chemicals Limited and a Fresh Certificate of Incorporation consequent on change of name dated 19th April 1983 was obtained from the Registrar of Companies, Punjab, HP & Chandigarh, Jalandhar; Vision: To evolve PCL as a best company among all chloro alkali industries in India and to address the needs of our stakeholders. To be identified as most inspiring, innovative, dynamic and incredible company in India; Mission: To produce best quality product in order to meet the demands of our customers. To strive for continuous improvement in our quality, energy performance, be Eco-friendly and ensuring PCL’s growth and profitability through innovation
Partnerships Partnerships
Partnerships pdf The Company has adopted a collaborative approach to CSR directly and through outside NGOs to assess the best utilization of the available funds.
Profile Sources Profile Sources
Profile Sources link Corporate Governance Section is available on Company's website
Profile Sources link link In alignment with vision of the Company, PCL, through its CSR initiatives, shall continue to enhance value creation in the society and in the community in which it operates, through its services, conduct & initiatives, so as to promote sustained growth for the society and community, in fulfillment of its role as a Socially Responsible Corporate Citizen with environmental concern; The Company has achieved and maintained Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) as per requirement of Punjab Pollution Control Board. An online Monitoring System has been installed in line with directions of CPCB to ensure the emissions within permissible limits
Profile Sources link Press Relases section is available on Company's website
Profile Sources pdf Annual Report for the year 2024 is available
Profile Sources link Q4 Financial Result for the Year 2022 is available on Company's Website
Profile Sources Policies pdf Corporate Environment Policy: PCL recognizes that effective environment management is fundamental to our business. We shall strive to integrate sound business practices across PCL's management and governance systems to minimize environmental impacts and attain a leadership position in environmental stewardship
Profile Sources pdf Corporate Governance Report for the Year 2022 is available
Profile Sources Policies pdf Corporate Social Responsibility Policy: Pursuant to Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with the Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Rules, 2014, the Board of Directors on the recommendation of the CSR Committee laid down a CSR Policy. The Policy lays down the manner in which CSR Activities covered under Schedule VII of the Companies Act, 2013 will be taken up and implemented by the Company. A copy of the Policy is available on Company’s website
Profile Sources Board of Directors Familiarization Programme for Independent Directors: The Company shall familiarize the Independent Directors of the Company for their roles, rights and responsibilities. The Independent Directors will also be familiarized with the Company’s operations, products being manufactured or deals in and the nature of Industry in which it operates through various presentations and programmes
Profile Sources Board of Directors pdf The detail of Board Core Skills/ Expertise/ Competencies are disclosed in Annual Report 2022
Profile Sources Board of Directors Nomination and Remuneration Policy: The Company is having a Nomination and Remuneration Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company to approve the remuneration of the Managing Director(s), Whole-time Director(s), Key Managerial Personnel and Senior Management of the Company
Profile Sources Committees pdf Composition of Committees is available on Company's website
Profile Sources Board of Directors pdf The terms and Conditions of the appointment, which shall, in any event be subject to the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013, SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 ('Listing Regulations') and the Articles of Association of the Company, are set out in the document of Terms and Conditions of appointment of Independent Directors
Profile Sources Policies Related Party Transaction Policy: This “PCL Related Party Transactions Policy” has been made keeping in view the provisions regarding Related Party Transactions as envisaged in the Companies Act, 2013 and pursuant to the provisions of the revised Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement with the Bombay Stock Exchange Limited. This “PCL Related Party Transactions Policy” may be modified by the Board of Directors of the Company from time to time
Profile Sources Policies pdf Policy n Determining Materiality: Regulation 30(4) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (hereinafter referred to as "the Regulations") requires every listed entity to frame a policy for determination of materiality of events or information that requires appropriate disclosure to the stock exchange(s). Accordingly, the Policy for determination of Materiality of events or information for Punjab Alkalies & Chemicals Limited (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") is here by framed, setting forth the elementary aspects regarding disclosure practice to be followed by the Company
Profile Sources Policies pdf This Code of Conduct was revised pursuant to the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015. SEBI vide notification dated 31st December, 2018 has again amended SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading), Regulations, 2015 effective from 01.04.2019. This Code of Conduct has been framed incorporating the amendments. This Code of Conduct may be modified by the Board of Directors of the Company from time to time
Profile Sources Policies The objective and scope of the policy is To maintain fairness, transparency, consistency and sustainability in distributing profits to the members of the Company. To ensure enhancement in wealth of members. To regulate the process of dividend declaration and its pay-out by the Company in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and Rules framed there under. The intent of the Policy is to broadly set out the circumstances and different factors i.e. internal and external including financial parameters for consideration by the Board while declaring dividend or of retention of profits and the circumstances under which the shareholder of the company may not expect any dividend, in the interest of providing transparency to the shareholders. The Policy is not an alternative to the decision of the Board for recommending dividend, which is made every year after taking into consideration all the relevant circumstances enumerated hereunder or other relevant factors by the Board
Profile Sources Executive pdf Key Managerial Personnel is available in Annual Report 2024
Profile Sources Policies pdf Policy on Preservation of Documents: The Companies Act, 2013 with the applicable Rules framed there under deals with the provisions for maintenance of various documents including registers and records by the Companies and also provides for the place for keeping and period for preserving such documents. Regulation 9 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations & Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 states that every listed entity is required to formulate a policy for preservation of documents, which shall be approved by the Board of Directors of the Company
Profile Sources Policies In line with the nine principles of the National Voluntary Guidelines on Social, Environmental and Economic Responsibilities of business issued by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs and requirement under Regulation 34(2)(f) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, Primo Chemical Limited (PCL) has formed the Business Responsibility Policies for its successful and sustainable business. Nine key principles of the Business Responsibility envisaged in National Voluntary Guidelines on Social, Environmental and Economic Responsibilities of business issued by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs and requirements of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 have been adopted by PCL
Profile Sources Policies pdf Environment Policy: PCL recognizes that effective environment management is fundamental to our business. We shall strive to integrate sound business practices across PCL's management and governance systems to minimize environmental impacts and attain a leadership position in environmental stewardship
Profile Sources Policies pdf The Management of Punjab Alkalies & Chemicals Ltd. is firmly committed to: Achievement of corporate goal and objective of optimum productivity i.e. Quality production, by adopting “Safety First” with latest and safest technology, at optimum cost; Ensuring safety and health of Employees/Contractors and Transporters through continuous improvement in providing best work environment; Ensuring realistic effort for safe operation/maintenance with the help of modern tools/safety devices/PPE’s, adopting latest standing operating procedures and safe practices/work permit system, to prevent personal injuries, fires, emissions, explosions; Compliance to all statutory provisions under requisite acts/rules thus protecting environment and prevent safety and health hazards; Adequate training & active participation of all Employees/ Contractors/ Transporters/ Customers by upgrading skills & with sense of commitment/accountability/responsibility for achieving optimum performance of plant & manpower in safe/effective/healthy manner
Profile Sources Policies pdf The Company has in place Risk Assessment and Minimisation Procedures to identify, assess and mitigate business risks. These are reviewed periodically to reflect the current potential risks to its business. The Company has identified (1) the risks relating to Cost of Power – being Power Intensive Industry without any power plant and being dependent for the same on Punjab State Power Corporation Limited, (2) Production of Hazardous Chemicals – Caustic Soda and Chlorine, (3) Loss of production due to breakdown of Plant & Machinery- and (4) Locational Disadvantage – Plant at Naya Nangal being quite far off from source of major Raw Material i.e. industrial salt, as major internal risks. Besides (1) Ongoing Expansion in caustic soda capacity and (2) advancement in technology have been identified as major external risks
Profile Sources Policies pdf We have conducted our audit of the Ind AS financial statements in accordance with the Standards on Auditing specified under section 143(10) of the Act (SAs). Our responsibilities under those Standards are further described in the Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Ind AS Financial Statements section of our report. We are independent of the Company in accordance with the Code of Ethics issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) together with the independence requirements that are relevant to our audit of the Ind AS financial statements under the provisions of the Act and the Rules made thereunder, and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with these requirements and the ICAI’s Code of Ethics. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion on the Ind AS financial statements
Profile Sources Non-Executive Director Code of Conduct for Directors and Senior Management Personnel: This Code of Conduct shall be known as Punjab Alkalies & Chemicals Limited Code of Conduct for Directors (including Independent Directors) and Senior Management Personnel amended in compliance with SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (LODR) and Companies Act, 2013
Profile Sources Policies pdf Energy Management Policy: We at PCL are committed to continually improve our energy performance in all our manufacturing processes and related activities. To meet the above goal, we shall strive to:- Produce quality product that meets customer requirement with optimum energy consumption. Continually explore the best energy efficient systems in place in other Chlor - Alkali industry and implement the same in our industry. Upgrading the existing design of process for production of quality product at optimum efficiency. Compliance to all statutory rule and regulations to fulfil the requisite requirement of central/state agencies. Provide the latest information and necessary resources to concerned departments for upgrading the existing energy equipment/systems with energy efficient system
Profile Sources Policies pdf Quality Policy: We at PCL are committed to establish leadership in domestic market in our product lines by; Enhancing customer satisfaction through On Time Delivery of Quality Products and Reliable Services; Growth and diversification by Continuous Improvement in products, processes and new value added products; Ensuring products compliance to applicable requirements; Involvement of dealers, suppliers and other relevant stakeholders in the evolution of business excellence
Resilience Resilience
Resilience Policies GRI 102: GD Reporting Practice
SASB: Business Model and Innovation
SDG 03: Good Health and Wellbeing
WEF People: Dignity and Quality
pdf FY 2020-21 has been a challenging year which tested the Company’s intrinsic strength in the face of the global Covid-19 pandemic. After initial operational hiccups, the Company was able to adapt to the changed circumstances and operations normalised relatively quickly. The Company responded swiftly to support its key asset, its people, by deploying a slew of initiatives related to employee well-being. These included remote working, medical support for the affected, rigorous safety protocols and amending Human Resource (HR) processes. The Company fulfilled all its contractual obligations and agreements and continues to do so and does not foresee any material impact due to non-fulfillment of obligation by any party in existing contracts or agreements
Resilience Employees, Health and Safety FTSE Russell S: Labour Standards
GRI 102: GD Reporting Practice
MSCI S: Human Capital
SASB: Business Model and Innovation
SDG 03: Good Health and Wellbeing
STALYTCS: Human Capital Development
WEF People: Dignity and Quality
pdf The Company responded swiftly to support its key asset, its people, by deploying a slew of initiatives related to employee well-being. These included remote working, medical support for the affected, rigorous safety protocols and amending Human Resource (HR) processes
Resilience Initiatives FTSE Russell G: Risk Management
GRI 203: Indirect Economic Impacts
MSCI E: Environmental Opportunities
SASB: Business Model and Innovation
SDG 03: Good Health and Wellbeing
STALYTCS: Human Capital Development
WEF People: Dignity and Quality
pdf pdf Due to the pandemic, the employees were allowed to work from home remotely; The 46th Annual General Meeting will be held on 30th September, 2021 through Video Conferencing (VC) or other Audio Visual Means (OAVM)
Social Social
Social Strategy CSA S: Social Reporting
FTSE Russell S: Human Rights and Community
GRI 419: Socioeconomic Compliance
IFC PS 1: Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts
IIRF: Human Capital
SASB: Business Model and Innovation
SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
WEF: Employment and Wealth Generation
link pdf pdf We are committed to development of Human Resources through continuous training programs, skill up-gradation and empowerment. The Company cares for its human resources and as a result more than 300 employees have completed 15 years & above service in the Company; The Company responded swiftly to support its key asset, its people, by deploying a slew of initiatives related to employee well-being. These included remote working, medical support for the affected, rigorous safety protocols and amending Human Resource (HR) processes. The company fulfilled all its contractual obligations and agreements and continues to do so and does not foresee any material impact due to non-fulfillment of obligation by any party in existing contracts or agreements; In alignment with the vision of the Company, PCL, through its CSR initiatives, shall continue to enhance value creation in the society and in the community in which it operates, through its services, conduct & initiatives, so as to promote sustained growth for the society and community, in fulfillment of its role as a Socially Responsible Corporate Citizen with environmental concern; The Management of Punjab Alkalies & Chemicals Ltd. is firmly committed to: Achievement of corporate goal and objective of optimum productivity i.e. Quality production, by adopting “Safety First” with latest and safest technology, at optimum cost; Ensuring safety and health of Employees/Contractors and Transporters through continuous improvement in providing best work environment; Ensuring realistic effort for safe operation/maintenance with the help of modern tools/safety devices/PPE’s, adopting latest standing operating procedures and safe practices/work permit system, to prevent personal injuries, fires, emissions, explosions; Compliance to all statutory provisions under requisite acts/rules thus protecting environment and prevent safety and health hazards
Social Engagement, Initiatives, Supply Chain BRSR Principle 1: Ethical Transparent and Accountable
FTSE Russell S: Supply Chain
GRI 308: Supplier Environmental Assessment
IFC PS 1: Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts
IIRF: Human Capital
SASB: Social Capital
SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
WEF Governance: Stakeholder Engagement
pdf PCL recognizes that effective environment management is fundamental to our business. We shall strive to integrate sound business practices across PCL's management and governance systems to minimize environmental impacts and attain a leadership position in environmental stewardship. PCL is committed to sustainable development and to achieve that we shall: Influence our contractors and suppliers to adopt the PCL's environmental policy and practices and encourage appropriate environmental management across the supply and value chain
Social Health and Safety, Process Systems, Risk Control BRSR Principle 9: Provide Value to Consumers
FTSE Russell S: Customer Responsibility
GRI 417: Marketing and Labelling
IFC PS 4: Community Health Safety and Security
IIRF: Human Capital
SASB: Social Capital
SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
WEF Governance: Stakeholder Engagement
pdf pdf We at PCL are committed to establish leadership in domestic market in our product lines by: Enhancing customer satisfaction through On Time Delivery of Quality Products and Reliable Services; Growth and diversification by Continuous Improvement in products, processes and new valueadded products; Managing cost structure through efficient and ecofriendly technologies; Enhancing organisation effectiveness by development of human resource through continual trainings, knowledge management and employee empowerment; Ensuring products compliance to applicable requirements; Involvement of dealers, suppliers and other relevant stakeholders in the evolution of business excellence; Act responsibly as good corporate citizen through safest practices and integrity; Company is certified under ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001: 2015
Social Diversity and Equality, Employees, Metrics CSA S: Labor Practice Indicators
FTSE Russell S: Labour Standards
GRI 413: Local Communities
IFC PS 2: Labour and Working Conditions
IIRF: Human Capital
MSCI S: Human Capital
SASB: Human Capital
SDG 10: Reduced Inequality
STALYTCS: Human Capital Development
UNGC Principle 06 Labour
WEF People: Dignity and Quality
pdf A : 5.6 5.6% of women employees winth the workforce
Social Board of Directors, Diversity and Equality, Metrics CSA Econ: Corporate Governance
CSA S: Labor Practice Indicators
FTSE Russell S: Labour Standards
GRI 405: Diversity and Equal Opportunity
IIRF: Human Capital
MSCI S: Human Capital
SASB: Human Capital
SDG 10: Reduced Inequality
STALYTCS: Corporate Behavior
STALYTCS: Human Capital Development
UNGC Principle 06 Labour
WEF Governance: Quality of Governing Body
link pdf A : 1 B : 8 C : 12.5 1 out of 8 members of board is female
Social Diversity and Equality, Metrics CSA S: Labor Practice Indicators
FTSE Russell S: Labour Standards
GRI 405: Diversity and Equal Opportunity
IIRF: Human Capital
MSCI S: Human Capital
SASB: Human Capital
SDG 05: Gender Equality
STALYTCS: Human Capital Development
UNGC Principle 06 Labour
WEF: Employment and Wealth Generation
pdf A : 1 B : 4 C : 25 1 out of 4 members of Senior Management is female
Social Diversity and Equality, Employees, Metrics CSA S: Labor Practice Indicators
FTSE Russell S: Labour Standards
GRI 405: Diversity and Equal Opportunity
IIRF: Human Capital
MSCI S: Human Capital
SASB: Human Capital
SDG 05: Gender Equality
STALYTCS: Human Capital Development
UNGC Principle 06 Labour
WEF People: Skills for the Future
pdf A : 20 B : 357 C : 5.6 5.6% of the workforce are women; Number of permanent women employees as on 31st March 2022: 20
Social External Validation, Health and Safety BRSR Principle 3: Promote Well-being
FTSE Russell S: Health and Safety
GRI 403: Occupational Health and Safety
IFC PS 2: Labour and Working Conditions
IIRF: Human Capital
SASB: Human Capital
SDG 03: Good Health and Wellbeing
STALYTCS: Health and Safety
WEF People: Health and Well Being
pdf A Safety Audit of the Plant was conducted during the financial year 2021-22 from the National Safety Council and its recommendations are being implemented
Social Employees, Metrics BRSR Principle 3: Promote Well-being
CSA S: Talent Attraction and Retentions
FTSE Russell S: Labour Standards
GRI 412: Human Rights Assessment
IFC PS 2: Labour and Working Conditions
IIRF: Human Capital
MSCI S: Human Capital
SASB: Human Capital
SDG 08: Decent Work and Economic Growth
STALYTCS: Human Capital Development
WEF: Employment and Wealth Generation
pdf A : 2 Attrition Rate: 1% to 2%
Social Diversity and Equality, Employees, Metrics CSA S: Labor Practice Indicators
FTSE Russell S: Labour Standards
GRI 402: Labour and Management Relations
IFC PS 2: Labour and Working Conditions
IIRF: Human Capital
MSCI S: Human Capital
SASB: Human Capital
SDG 08: Decent Work and Economic Growth
STALYTCS: Human Capital Development
WEF People: Dignity and Quality
pdf A : 215 B : 357 C : 60.22 As on 31st March, 2022, 26 number of employees are on temporary/ contractual basis and 215 number of employees on casual basis
Social Diversity and Equality, Employees, Metrics CSA S: Labor Practice Indicators
FTSE Russell S: Labour Standards
GRI 402: Labour and Management Relations
IFC PS 2: Labour and Working Conditions
IIRF: Human Capital
MSCI S: Human Capital
SASB: Human Capital
SDG 08: Decent Work and Economic Growth
STALYTCS: Human Capital Development
WEF: Employment and Wealth Generation
pdf No part time workers during the year
Social Diversity and Equality, Employees, Metrics BRSR Principle 3: Promote Well-being
CSA S: Labor Practice Indicators
FTSE Russell S: Labour Standards
GRI 405: Diversity and Equal Opportunity
IFC PS 2: Labour and Working Conditions
IIRF: Human Capital
MSCI S: Human Capital
SASB: Human Capital
SDG 08: Decent Work and Economic Growth
STALYTCS: Human Capital Development
UNGC Principle 06 Labour
WEF People: Dignity and Quality
pdf No permanent employees with disabilities
Social Employees, Metrics, Training BRSR Principle 1: Ethical Transparent and Accountable
BRSR Principle 3: Promote Well-being
CSA S: Human Capital Development
FTSE Russell S: Labour Standards
GRI 404: Training and Education
IFC PS 2: Labour and Working Conditions
IIRF: Human Capital
MSCI S: Human Capital
SASB: Human Capital
SDG 04: Quality Education
STALYTCS: Human Capital Development
WEF People: Skills for the Future
pdf 75% of employees were given safety & skill up-gradation training in the last year
Social Employees, Health and Safety, Metrics BRSR Principle 3: Promote Well-being
CSA S: Labor Practice Indicators
FTSE Russell S: Labour Standards
GRI 403: Occupational Health and Safety
IFC PS 2: Labour and Working Conditions
IIRF: Human Capital
MSCI S: Human Capital
SASB: Human Capital
SDG 08: Decent Work and Economic Growth
STALYTCS: Human Capital Development
WEF People: Health and Well Being
link A : 0 No man-days lost in the last more than 10 years due to any labour problem or industrial unrest
Social Employees, Health and Safety, Initiatives, Training FTSE Russell S: Health and Safety
GRI 403: Occupational Health and Safety
IFC PS 1: Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts
IIRF: Human Capital
MSCI S: Human Capital
SASB: Human Capital
SDG 03: Good Health and Wellbeing
STALYTCS: Health and Safety
WEF People: Health and Well Being
pdf pdf Financial Year 2021-22 has been a challenging year which tested the Company’s intrinsic strength in the face of the global Covid-19 pandemic. After initial operational hiccups, the Company was able to adapt to the changed circumstances and operations normalised relatively quickly. The Company responded swiftly to support its key asset, its people, by deploying a slew of initiatives related to employee well-being. These included remote working, medical support for the affected, rigorous safety protocols and amending Human Resource (HR) processes; The Management of Punjab Alkalies & Chemicals Ltd. is firmly committed to: Achievement of corporate goal and objective of optimum productivity i.e. Quality production, by adopting “Safety First” with latest and safest technology, at optimum cost; Ensuring safety and health of Employees/Contractors and Transporters through continuous improvement in providing best work environment; Ensuring realistic effort for safe operation/maintenance with the help of modern tools/safety devices/PPE’s, adopting latest standing operating procedures and safe practices/work permit system, to prevent personal injuries, fires, emissions, explosions
Social Employees, Health and Safety, Policies FTSE Russell S: Health and Safety
MSCI S: Human Capital
STALYTCS: Health and Safety
pdf The Management of Punjab Alkalies & Chemicals Ltd. is firmly committed to: Achievement of corporate goal and objective of optimum productivity i.e. Quality production, by adopting “Safety First” with latest and safest technology, at optimum cost; Ensuring safety and health of Employees/Contractors and Transporters through continuous improvement in providing best work environment; Ensuring realistic effort for safe operation/maintenance with the help of modern tools/safety devices/PPE’s, adopting latest standing operating procedures and safe practices/work permit system, to prevent personal injuries, fires, emissions, explosions; Compliance to all statutory provisions under requisite acts/rules thus protecting environment and prevent safety and health hazards
Social Employees, Initiatives CSA S: Labor Practice Indicators
FTSE Russell S: Labour Standards
GRI 402: Labour and Management Relations
IFC PS 2: Labour and Working Conditions
IIRF: Human Capital
MSCI S: Human Capital
SASB: Human Capital
SDG 08: Decent Work and Economic Growth
STALYTCS: Human Capital Development
WEF People: Dignity and Quality
link pdf We are committed to development of Human Resources through continuous training programs, skill up-gradation and empowerment; The Company cares for its human resources and as a result more than 300 employees have completed 15 years & above service in the Company; The Industrial Relations at PCL have been peaceful; No man-days lost in the last more than 10 years due to any labour problem or industrial unrest; After initial operational hiccups, the Company was able to adapt to the changed circumstances and operations normalised relatively quickly. The Company responded swiftly to support its key asset, its people, by deploying a slew of initiatives related to employee well-being. These included remote working, medical support for the affected, rigorous safety protocols and amending Human Resource (HR) processes
Social Employees CSA S: Talent Attraction and Retentions
FTSE Russell S: Labour Standards
GRI 403: Occupational Health and Safety
IFC PS 2: Labour and Working Conditions
IIRF: Human Capital
MSCI S: Human Capital
SASB: Human Capital
SDG 03: Good Health and Wellbeing
STALYTCS: Human Capital Development
WEF People: Health and Well Being
pdf The Company responded swiftly to support its key asset, its people, by deploying a slew of initiatives related to employee well-being. These included remote working, medical support for the affected, rigorous safety protocols and amending Human Resource (HR) processes
Social Compensation and Benefits, Employees BRSR Principle 3: Promote Well-being
BRSR Principle 5: Human Rights
CSA S: Labor Practice Indicators
FTSE Russell S: Labour Standards
GRI 401: Employment
IFC PS 2: Labour and Working Conditions
IIRF: Human Capital
MSCI S: Human Capital
SASB: Human Capital
SDG 08: Decent Work and Economic Growth
STALYTCS: Human Capital Development
UNGC Principle 02 Human Rights
WEF People: Dignity and Quality
pdf Employee Benefits: Defined Contribution Plan The Company’s Contribution paid/payable during the year towards Provident Fund Scheme and Superannuation Scheme are recognised as expense in the Statement of Profit & Loss; Defined Benefit Plan The Company’s liabilities towards leave encashment and gratuity are determined by an independent actuary and LIC’s actuarial valuation respectively, using the Projected Unit Credit Method. Obligation is measured at the present value of estimated future cash flows using a discounted rate that is determined by reference to the market yields at the Balance Sheet date on Government Bonds where the currency and terms of the Government Bonds is consistent with the currency and estimated terms of the defined benefit obligations. Actuarial valuation has been done in accordance with Ind-AS 19. Actuarial gains and losses due to re-measurement in the present value of defined benefit obligations resulting from experience are recognized in other comprehensive income; Gratuity liability has been covered by master policies of Life Insurance Corporation of India under irrevocable trust; The major provisions and requirements have also been complied with as prescribed under all applicable Labour laws viz. The Factories Act, 1948, The Payment of Wages Act, 1936, The Minimum Wages Act, 1948, The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965, Industrial Dispute Act, 1947, Employee State Insurance Act, 1948, The Employee’s Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952, The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972, The Industrial Employment (Standing Order) Act, 1946, Equal Remuneration Act, 1976 etc
Social Compensation and Benefits, Employees, Metrics BRSR Principle 3: Promote Well-being
CSA S: Labor Practice Indicators
FTSE Russell S: Labour Standards
GRI 401: Employment
IFC PS 2: Labour and Working Conditions
IIRF: Human Capital
MSCI S: Human Capital
SASB: Social Capital
SDG 08: Decent Work and Economic Growth
STALYTCS: Human Capital Development
WEF: Employment and Wealth Generation
pdf A : 23341000 B : 27505000 C : 15.13 Employee Benefits: Defined Contribution Plan- The Company’s Contribution paid/payable during the year towards Provident Fund Scheme and Superannuation Scheme are recognised as expense in the Statement of Profit & Loss. Defined Benefit Plan- The Company’s liabilities towards leave encashment and gratuity are determined by an independent actuary and LIC’s actuarial valuation respectively, using the Projected Unit Credit Method; Contribution to Provident, Superannuation & Gratuity funds: Rs. 233.41 Lacs
Social Employees, Metrics FTSE Russell S: Labour Standards
GRI 102: GD Reporting Practice
IFC PS 2: Labour and Working Conditions
IIRF: Human Capital
MSCI S: Human Capital
SASB: Leadership and Governance
SDG 16: Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
STALYTCS: Human Capital Development
WEF People: Skills for the Future
pdf pdf A : 174423000 B : 21520000 Staff Welfare, Recruitment & Training Expenses for FY2022: Rs. 1744.23 Lakhs
Social Compensation and Benefits, Employees, Metrics BRSR Principle 3: Promote Well-being
CSA S: Labor Practice Indicators
FTSE Russell S: Labour Standards
GRI 401: Employment
IFC PS 2: Labour and Working Conditions
IIRF: Human Capital
MSCI S: Human Capital
SASB: Human Capital
SDG 08: Decent Work and Economic Growth
STALYTCS: Human Capital Development
WEF: Employment and Wealth Generation
pdf The Company’s Contribution paid/payable during the year towards Provident Fund Scheme and Superannuation Scheme are recognised as expense in the Statement of Profit & Loss; Contribution to Provident, Superannuation & Gratuity fund Rs. 233.41 Lacs
Social Employees, Health and Safety BRSR Principle 3: Promote Well-being
CSA S: Labor Practice Indicators
FTSE Russell S: Labour Standards
GRI 412: Human Rights Assessment
IFC PS 2: Labour and Working Conditions
IIRF: Human Capital
MSCI S: Human Capital
SASB: Human Capital
SDG 08: Decent Work and Economic Growth
STALYTCS: Health and Safety
STALYTCS: Human Capital Development
UNGC Principle 02 Human Rights
WEF People: Dignity and Quality
pdf The Company considers its human resources to be the key thrust area. The Company has always stood by its commitment of harnessing and developing its human resources. The training and development of human resources is an ongoing process. The HR department endeavors to create a work environment that ensures employees continued wellbeing and each individual personal potential is fully aligned with Company’s growth strategy
Social Employees, Health and Safety CSA S: Talent Attraction and Retentions
FTSE Russell S: Labour Standards
GRI 401: Employment
IFC PS 2: Labour and Working Conditions
IIRF: Human Capital
MSCI S: Human Capital
SASB: Human Capital
SDG 03: Good Health and Wellbeing
STALYTCS: Health and Safety
STALYTCS: Human Capital Development
WEF People: Health and Well Being
pdf The Company responded swiftly to support its key asset, its people, by deploying a slew of initiatives related to employee well-being. These included remote working, medical support for the affected, rigorous safety protocols and amending Human Resource (HR) processes. The Company fulfilled all its contractual obligations and agreements and continues to do so and does not foresee any material impact due to non-fulfillment of obligation by any party in existing contracts or agreements. The Company has been able to market the additional quantity of its products resulted from creation of additional production capacity
Social Employees, Training BRSR Principle 1: Ethical Transparent and Accountable
BRSR Principle 3: Promote Well-being
CSA S: Human Capital Development
CSA S: Labor Practice Indicators
FTSE Russell S: Labour Standards
GRI 404: Training and Education
IFC PS 2: Labour and Working Conditions
IIRF: Human Capital
MSCI S: Human Capital
SASB: Human Capital
SDG 04: Quality Education
STALYTCS: Human Capital Development
WEF People: Skills for the Future
pdf The Company considers its human resources to be the key thrust area. The Company has always stood by its commitment of harnessing and developing its human resources. The training and development of human resources is an ongoing process. The HR department endeavors to create a work environment that ensures employees continued wellbeing and each individual personal potential is fully aligned with Company’s growth strategy.The industrial relations remained cordial during the financial year under review. The Company had 357 employees (including 41 employees on deputation) as on 31st March, 2022
Social Employees, Metrics, Training CSA S: Human Capital Development
FTSE Russell S: Labour Standards
GRI 404: Training and Education
IFC PS 2: Labour and Working Conditions
IIRF: Human Capital
MSCI S: Human Capital
SASB: Leadership and Governance
SDG 16: Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
STALYTCS: Human Capital Development
WEF People: Skills for the Future
pdf A : 174423000 B : 226452000 C : 29.8 Staff Welfare, Recruitment & Training Expenses for FY2022: Rs. 1744.23 Lakhs
Social Employees, Human Rights BRSR Principle 5: Human Rights
CSA S: Human Rights
FTSE Russell S: Human Rights and Community
GRI 412: Human Rights Assessment
IFC PS 2: Labour and Working Conditions
IIRF: Human Capital
MSCI S: Human Capital
SASB: Social Capital
SDG 10: Reduced Inequality
STALYTCS: Human Capital Development
UNGC Principle 01 Human Rights
WEF People: Dignity and Quality
pdf The Company has not framed any specific human rights policy. Though other policies like Whistle Blower and Sexual Harassment Policy deals with the issue of protecting the rights of all the employees on the company working in any business division of the company. The Company is motivated to safeguard the human rights of all stakeholders internal / external in true spirit
Social Employees, Human Rights BRSR Principle 5: Human Rights
CSA S: Labor Practice Indicators
FTSE Russell S: Labour Standards
GRI 408: Child Labour
IFC PS 2: Labour and Working Conditions
IIRF: Intellectual Capital
MSCI S: Human Capital
SASB: Social Capital
SDG 10: Reduced Inequality
STALYTCS: Human Capital Development
UNGC Principle 05 Labour
WEF People: Dignity and Quality
pdf No complaints relating to child labour, forced labour, involuntary labour, sexual harassment in the last financial year and pending, as on the end of the financial year
Social Employees, Human Rights BRSR Principle 5: Human Rights
CSA S: Labor Practice Indicators
FTSE Russell S: Labour Standards
GRI 409: Forced or Compulsory Labour
IFC PS 2: Labour and Working Conditions
IIRF: Intellectual Capital
MSCI S: Human Capital
SASB: Social Capital
SDG 10: Reduced Inequality
STALYTCS: Human Capital Development
UNGC Principle 04 Labour
WEF People: Dignity and Quality
pdf No complaints relating to child labour, forced labour, involuntary labour, sexual harassment in the last financial year and pending, as on the end of the financial year
Social Employees, Human Rights CSA S: Labor Practice Indicators
FTSE Russell S: Labour Standards
GRI 407: Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining
IIRF: Intellectual Capital
MSCI S: Human Capital
SASB: Human Capital
SDG 10: Reduced Inequality
STALYTCS: Human Capital Development
UNGC Principle 03 Labour
WEF People: Dignity and Quality
pdf There are two registered trade unions: (a) PCL Karamchari Sangh affiliated to BMS and (b) The Employees union affiliated to INTUC; As on 31st March, 2022. there are 108 workmen in regular pay-scale who are members of these Unions
Social Employees, Human Rights BRSR Principle 3: Promote Well-being
CSA S: Labor Practice Indicators
FTSE Russell S: Labour Standards
GRI 407: Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining
IFC PS 2: Labour and Working Conditions
IIRF: Intellectual Capital
MSCI S: Human Capital
SASB: Human Capital
SDG 10: Reduced Inequality
STALYTCS: Human Capital Development
UNGC Principle 03 Labour
WEF People: Dignity and Quality
pdf There are two registered trade unions: (a) PCL Karamchari Sangh affiliated to BMS and (b) The Employees union affiliated to INTUC; As on 31st March, 2022. there are 108 workmen in regular pay-scale who are members of these Unions
Social Diversity and Equality, Employees, Human Rights BRSR Principle 3: Promote Well-being
BRSR Principle 5: Human Rights
CSA S: Labor Practice Indicators
FTSE Russell S: Labour Standards
GRI 406: Non-discrimination
IFC PS 2: Labour and Working Conditions
IIRF: Intellectual Capital
MSCI S: Human Capital
SASB: Human Capital
SDG 10: Reduced Inequality
STALYTCS: Human Capital Development
UNGC Principle 06 Labour
WEF People: Dignity and Quality
The Directors and Senior Management Personnel will not discriminate on the grounds of a person's race, religion, gender, martial status or disability
Social Employees, Human Rights BRSR Principle 5: Human Rights
CSA S: Labor Practice Indicators
FTSE Russell S: Labour Standards
GRI 412: Human Rights Assessment
IFC PS 2: Labour and Working Conditions
IIRF: Intellectual Capital
MSCI S: Human Capital
SASB: Human Capital
SDG 10: Reduced Inequality
STALYTCS: Human Capital Development
UNGC Principle 06 Labour
WEF People: Dignity and Quality
pdf The Company has zero tolerance for Sexual Harassment at Workplace and has in place a “Policy on Sexual Harassment at Workplace” pursuant to Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 and Rules made thereunder. The Policy aims to provide protection to employees at the Workplace and prevent and redress complaints of sexual harassment. The Policy has been framed with the objective of providing a safe working environment, where employees feel secure. Internal Complaints Committee has been setup to redress complaints regarding sexual harassment. During the year under review, the Company has not received any complaint under the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013
Social Diversity and Equality CSA S: Labor Practice Indicators
FTSE Russell S: Labour Standards
GRI 411: Rights of Indigenous Peoples
IFC PS 2: Labour and Working Conditions
IIRF: Intellectual Capital
MSCI S: Human Capital
SASB: Social Capital
SDG 10: Reduced Inequality
STALYTCS: Human Capital Development
UNGC Principle 03 Labour
WEF People: Dignity and Quality
The Directors and Senior ManagementPersonnel will not discriminate on the grounds of a person's race, religion, gender, martial status or disability
Social Community, Initiatives BRSR Principle 8: Inclusive and Equitable Development
CSA S: Corporate Citizenship and Philanthropy
FTSE Russell S: Human Rights and Community
GRI 413: Local Communities
IFC PS 7: Indigenous Peoples
IIRF: Social and Relationship Capital
MSCI S: Social Opportunities
SASB: Social Capital
SDG 08: Decent Work and Economic Growth
STALYTCS: Community Relations
WEF: Employment and Wealth Generation
pdf pdf The Company undertakes Community Development Projects under the CSR Policy, The Company ensures that the initiatives undertaken under the aegis of CSR are thoughtfully selected, well-executed and accepted and valued by the intended beneficiaries; Name of the projects: Plantation near Local area for Environmental Sustainability, Making Available Safe Drinking Water Near Local Area, Promoting Educational/Vocational Skills, Ensuring Animal Welfare, Promotion of Health care including Preventive Health care
Social Employees CSA S: Labor Practice Indicators
FTSE Russell S: Labour Standards
GRI 102: GD Reporting Practice
IIRF: Human Capital
SASB: Leadership and Governance
SDG 16: Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
WEF People: Skills for the Future
pdf The Company responded swiftly to support its key asset, its people, by deploying a slew of initiatives related to employee well-being. These included remote working, medical support for the affected, rigorous safety protocols and amending Human Resource (HR) processes. The Company fulfilled all its contractual obligations and agreements and continues to do so and does not foresee any material impact due to non-fulfillment of obligation by any party in existing contracts or agreements. The Company has been able to market the additional quantity of its products resulted from creation of additional production capacity
Social Community, Supply Chain BRSR Principle 8: Inclusive and Equitable Development
CSA S: Labor Practice Indicators
FTSE Russell S: Labour Standards
GRI 204: Procurement Practices
IFC PS 7: Indigenous Peoples
IIRF: Social and Relationship Capital
MSCI E: Natural Capital
SASB: Social Capital
SDG 08: Decent Work and Economic Growth
STALYTCS: Human Capital Development
WEF: Employment and Wealth Generation
pdf Transportation from Local Transporters in bulk, Motor & ceiling fan winding from local vendors, Rubber lining repair jobs & supply of gasket sheets & other items, Supply of Oxygen & DA gas cylinders from local vendors in emergency, supply of N2 cylinders in emergency, supply of other hardware items from local vendors, machining & fabrication of gears, shafts & other ump spares & repairs from local vendors. IT & Computer hardware jobs, installation of cameras
Social Community BRSR Principle 2: Sustainable and Safe
BRSR Principle 8: Inclusive and Equitable Development
CSA Econ: Corporate Governance
FTSE Russell S: Human Rights and Community
GRI 413: Local Communities
IIRF: Social and Relationship Capital
SASB: Social Capital
SDG 08: Decent Work and Economic Growth
STALYTCS: Community Relations
WEF: Employment and Wealth Generation
pdf pdf A : 4255000 B : 5795000 C : 36.1 During the year under review, the Company had to spend Rs.57.94 lacs based on the average net profit of the last three years on CSR Activities. Accordingly, the amount was spent on various CSR Activities as per the Policy
Social Engagement BRSR Principle 3: Promote Well-being
BRSR Principle 9: Provide Value to Consumers
CSA S: Corporate Citizenship and Philanthropy
FTSE Russell S: Labour Standards
GRI 413: Local Communities
IFC PS 4: Community Health Safety and Security
IIRF: Social and Relationship Capital
SASB: Social Capital
SDG 08: Decent Work and Economic Growth
STALYTCS: Community Relations
STALYTCS: Human Capital Development
WEF Governance: Stakeholder Engagement
link In alignment with vision of the Company, PCL, through its CSR initiatives, shall continue to enhance value creation in the society and in the community in which it operates, through its services, conduct & initiatives, so as to promote sustained growth for the society and community, in fulfillment of its role as a Socially Responsible Corporate Citizen with environmental concern
Social Community, Metrics CSA S: Corporate Citizenship and Philanthropy
FTSE Russell S: Human Rights and Community
GRI 102: GD Stakeholder Engagement
IIRF: Social and Relationship Capital
SASB: Social Capital
SDG 08: Decent Work and Economic Growth
STALYTCS: Community Relations
WEF: Employment and Wealth Generation
pdf A : 4255000 B : 5795000 C : 36.1 CSR amount spent for the Financial Year 2022: Rs. 57.95 Lacs

Profile Disclaimer:

This ESG Profile has been prepared using information provided by the Company. The mapping reports do not represent a precise framework report but supporting observations. No investment, divestment or other financial decisions should be based solely on the information provided in this ESG Profile.